Welcome to the website of SIGalgo.nl, a special interest group within the IPN (ICT Research Platform Nederland) that focuses on research in algorithms, both fundamental and application-oriented, and on the complexity of algorithmic problems.
Algorithms is one of the foundational fields in computer science. It concerns the development of new methods to solve complex computational problems. The focus is on methods that allow a proof of correctness and good scaling behaviour of the resources they need, when operating on increasingly larger data sets. This implies that these methods can be used in applications where reliability of the computed results is crucial. Furthermore, the scalability implies that the methods are future-proof: they are still relevant in our digital world where data sets become larger and larger.
Algorithms research includes computational problems on graphs, geometry, combinatorial structures, topological structures, and strings. Computation may test feasibility (is it possible?), solve optimization (what is the best solution?), or other clear tasks. To test implementations of algorithms, we need algorithms engineering, and experimental algorithmic research compares the provable performance with the practical performance on data sets.
SIGalgo.nl organizes one 1-day symposium every year. The inaugural symposium will took place at the TU/e on November 27th.
Current Board Members:
- Marc van Kreveld (UU)
- Rebecca Reiffenhäuser (UvA)
- Yasamin Nazari (VU and CWI)
- Bart M. P. Jansen (TU/e)
- Antonios Antoniadis (UT)